You have the right to know exactly what is in your pet's food. Please read then email the FDA at: 

The following is taken from an article on Truth About Pet Food written by Susan Thixton: 

The AAFCO Board of Directors have published two Resolutions, one states: 

the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s Center for Veterinary Medicine will no longer act in partnership with AAFCO to provide scientific and technical assistance in the review of ingredient definition submissions for safety and utility nor discretionally accept the AAFCO Ingredient Definition Process.” 

the FDA’s Center for Veterinary Medicine will be utilizing a new process for ingredient review known as the Animal Food Ingredient Consultation Program.” 

This tells us that FDA – without notifying the public – has changed everything about pet food/animal feed ingredients. FDA is stopping their participation with AAFCO for pet food/animal feed ingredients and suddenly (without notice) doing things their way. 

Read the entire article here 

Should you wish to provide FDA Center for Veterinary Medicine your opinion of the secret they are keeping from pet owners – you can email them at: