Summer is just around the corner, and your dogs want us to remind you of a few things.

  • I will beg you for a ride no matter what the temperature is, but please don’t bring me with if you have to leave me in the car.
  • You know how refreshing a nice cool drink is? I like that too!
  • I love to be with you and I’d  walk over hot coals to get to you. Unfortunately, that’s what the pavement, sidewalks, and sand feel like on a hot summer day. Walks are wonderful though, can we still take them either early or late in the day when it’s cooler?

There is oodles of advice on keeping your pet safe during the heat waves we know are coming. Just like people, some dogs are more susceptible to the heat than others. Some reasons why can include the overweight, very young, elderly, short muzzled, dark colored, or dogs with heart issues. If you’ve recently added a new canine family member, watch them closely to see how they are handling the heat and adjust accordingly. 

Know the signs of hot weather distress in your dog. Here is a great article from Cornell University on recognizing the signs of heat stroke in your dog, what to do about it, and how to prevent it. Dr. Becker also has a great post on the signs of dehydration in your dog, what to do, and ways to prevent it. Take a moment to learn about them before you need them. 

The long, carefree days of summer call for us all to grab our leashes and head outside. With a few simple precautions, you and your dog can stay safe and healthy while you both live your lives to the fullest.